Posted by: AmeraTex Energy | October 6, 2012

AmeraTex Energy on its Professional Memberships

Based in Mesquite, Texas, AmeraTex Energy is a member of several distinguished professional associations. These include the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) and the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). These memberships help AmeraTex keep abreast of constant changes in the industry.

The IPAA is a trade association located in Washington, D.C. The IPAA has thousands of members, including service companies as well as independent producers of oil and natural gas. The organization has been in operation since the days of Herbert Hoover’s presidency with a mission of supporting the oil and natural gas industry.

Also a membership organization, the SPE recently celebrated adding its 100,000th member. The group specializes in connecting professionals in the oil and gas industry, including engineers, scientists, and other specialists. In 1957 the SPE was founded as a part of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, and in 1985 it was incorporated as its own organization.
